
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Module displaying the world map, which is the first view in legendary edition as well as the view between levels.



backgroundPositionY :: Nat -> Nat #

Given the y (in number of cells) of the top left cell, the corresponding background-position-y css attribute for displaying the world map appropriately

encounterView :: Model -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Encounter -> [View action] #

encounterView shared z x y e returns the views for the encounter e. x and y are relative (to the enclosing container) pixel values. They are not cell coordinates.

tileView :: Model -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Tile -> View action #

legendDiv :: World -> View a #

The div showing the legend for the character

absCoordToPx :: World -> Coord -> (Int, Int) #

Converts an absolute coordinate like (25,43) to relative pixels

relCoordToPx :: Coord -> (Int, Int) #

Converts a relative coordinate like (5,4) to relative pixels

cellsHeight :: Int #

The height of the view, in number of cells

cellsWidth :: Int #

The width of the view, in number of cells

mkInitialModel :: Model -> World #

The initial model, for when the game starts

both :: Bifunctor p => (a -> d) -> p a a -> p d d #

shift :: T -> World -> World #

Shifts the world's position by the given direction, if possible