
Course on functional programming - Haskell

This course was/is being given at Telecom Nancy in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 in 3A.

Online version


Offline version, for writing the slides

The slides folder uses remark. To display the slides (be it for presenting or for developing them), you need to serve the slides directory with an http server:

python3 -m http.server  # in slides/
# Or use ./

Now, crawl localhost:8000 and open the various html files.

Note that it’s possible to develop the slides offline, as per the instruction on the remark wiki. But I’ve never done it.

Development instruction

These instructions are more hermetic than the ones in tps. This is intentional. If you are here to do the travaux pratiques, use the instructions in tps.

mkdir -p bin/{cabal,ghc,hls}
# Instal cabal, this matches PATH_ADD $(pwd)/bin/ghc/bin in .envrc
ghcup install cabal --isolate $(pwd)/bin/cabal
# Populate GHC, this matches PATH_ADD $(pwd)/bin/ghc/bin in .envrc
# Note that GHC's version number is also in .github/workflows/haskell.yml
ghcup install ghc 9.4.7 --isolate $(pwd)/bin/ghc
ghcup install hls --isolate $(pwd)/bin/hls

Because there is a cabal.project file that pins the set of packages to a specific timestamp, this project is highly reproducible.

To validate code snippets within slides, see slides/

This course is funded by my employer: Modus Create