
Here is the list of lessons:

  1. Introduction
  2. Types
  3. Functions
  4. Polymorphism, typeclasses
  5. Monads and more

And the list of TPs (travaux pratiques):

  1. Boolean, lists
  2. Card game à la Magic, if you don’t like it, do the next one instead.
  3. URL filtering
  4. Arithmetic evaluator, tested against python3
  5. Consuming GitHub API, display data in web server

This course is part of module Architecture Logicielle. It will be evaluated within this module: a subset of the evaluation will be dedicated to Functional Programming. Evaluation will either concern the lessons above or ask to write code akin to the content of the TPs.

This course is on GitHub: smelc/tn-fp-haskell-course. Please suggest improvements and fix typos by doing merge requests. You can also do the TPs on your own (since there will be no official time for that) and create merge requests against the repository, to have me correct your work.

Writing of this course has been funded by my employer: Tweag