
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




boardCellHeight :: Int #

The number of vertical cells in a board

boardCellWidth :: Int #

The number of horizontal cells in a board

boardToLeftCardCellsOffset :: Int #

The number of cells from the left of the board to leftmost cards

boardPixelWidth :: Int #

The board's width, in pixels

boardPixelHeight :: Int #

The board's height , in pixels

blowAmount :: Nat #

The additional attack granted by the Blow skill when available

borderSize :: Nat #

The size of borders around cards

buildPixelHeight :: Int #

The height of the hand in the build view, in pixels

chargeAmount :: Nat #

The additional attack granted by the Charge skill when available

nbCardsToDraw :: Int #

The number of cards to draw at the beginning of a turn

data Difficulty #

The AI's level. Not truly a constant, I know.


Bounded Difficulty #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

Enum Difficulty #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

Eq Difficulty #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

Show Difficulty #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

Generic Difficulty #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

Associated Types

type Rep Difficulty :: Type -> Type #

type Rep Difficulty #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

type Rep Difficulty = D1 (MetaData "Difficulty" "Constants" "main" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Easy" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 (MetaCons "Medium" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "Hard" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))

data Fade #

Fade or not fade.



Fadein (transparent->visible)


Fadeout (visible->transparent)


Don't do any fadeing

Eq Fade #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants


(==) :: Fade -> Fade -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fade -> Fade -> Bool #

Show Fade #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants


showsPrec :: Int -> Fade -> ShowS #

show :: Fade -> String #

showList :: [Fade] -> ShowS #

Generic Fade #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

Associated Types

type Rep Fade :: Type -> Type #


from :: Fade -> Rep Fade x #

to :: Rep Fade x -> Fade #

Semigroup Fade #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants


(<>) :: Fade -> Fade -> Fade #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Fade -> Fade #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Fade -> Fade #

Monoid Fade #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants


mempty :: Fade #

mappend :: Fade -> Fade -> Fade #

mconcat :: [Fade] -> Fade #

PlayerIndexed (Map Card Fade) UI #

Generic access to the deco in 'UI phase.

Instance details

Defined in Board


getp :: Player -> T UI -> Map Card Fade #

setp :: Map Card Fade -> Player -> T UI -> T UI #

type Rep Fade #  
Instance details

Defined in Constants

type Rep Fade = D1 (MetaData "Fade" "Constants" "main" False) (C1 (MetaCons "FadeIn" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 (MetaCons "FadeOut" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "DontFade" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))

handPixelHeight :: Int #

The hands's height, in pixels

handPixelWidth :: Int #

The hands's width, in pixels

initialHandSize :: Int #

The initial number of cards in the hand

initialMana :: Nat #

The initial mana of a team

nbTurns :: Nat #

The number of turns during a game

squireAttackBonus :: Nat #

The attack boost given by a squire to the knight in front

strengthPotAttackBonus :: Nat #

The bonus given by a strength potion

cardCellHeight :: Int #

A card's height, in cells

cardCellWidth :: Int #

A card's width, in cells

cardPixelHeight :: Int #

A card's height, in pixels

cardPixelWidth :: Int #

A card's width, in pixels, equal to 24*3=72

cardHCellGap :: Int #

The horizontal spacing between two cards, in cells

cardVCellGap :: Int #

The vertical spacing between two cards, in cells

defaultManaCost :: Nat #

The default mana prize if omitted in data.json

itchURL :: MisoString #

The URL of the game on

teamsVCellGap :: Int #

The vertical spacing between the two teams, in cells

turnPixelHeight :: Int #

The turn widget height, in pixels

turnPixelWidth :: Int #

The turn widget width, in pixels

cellPixelSize :: Int #

The size of a cell, in pixels

cps :: Int #

The size of a cell, in pixels

defaultFontSize :: Int #

The default font size in pixels. It's actually the same as the default of browsers. | See e.g.

seize :: Int #

The size of smaller individual assets (items, heart, etc.)

subtitleFontSize :: Int #

The size of subtitles

titleFontSize :: Int #

The size of titles

lobbiesCellWidth :: Int #

The width of the backgrounds of non-board view, in cells

lobbiesPixelWidth :: Int #

The width of the backgrounds of non-board view, in pixels

lobbiesPixelHeight :: Int #

The height of the backgrounds of non-board view, in pixels

manaLeftPixelOffset :: Int #

The number of pixels from the left of the board, to the center of the mana column

worldMapPixels :: (Nat, Nat) #

The width and height of the world map, in pixels