
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



This module defines getters for getting the complete stat of a creature, boosts included. Functions of this module are meant to be called qualified. |



affectedByFear :: Bool -> Creature Core -> Bool #

Whether a creature is affected by fear. The first Boolean indicates whether to consider the hitpoints (True) or not (False)

affectedByTerror :: Bool -> Creature Core -> Bool #

Whether a creature is affected by terror. The first Boolean indicates whether to consider the hitpoints (True) or not (False)

data Place #

Where a creature is on the board




mkPlace :: T Core -> Player -> Card -> Place #

Builds a Place from a Board

attack :: Maybe Place -> Creature Core -> Damage #

The total attack of a creature, including boosts of skills and items. The Place indicates where the given creature is.

bleed :: Creature Core -> Nat #

The amount of Skill.Bleed that a creature has

causesFear :: Creature Core -> Bool #

Whether a creature causes fear

hasDiscipline :: [Skill] -> [Item] -> Bool #

Core function for finding out about discipline

hasPowerful :: [State] -> [Item] -> Bool #

isDisciplined :: Creature Core -> Bool #

Whether a creature has discipline

bleedCaused :: Creature Core -> Nat #

The amount of bleed that a creature causes or 0 if it doesn't cause bleeding